B Market Builder Southeast Asia

Submission Fee

When you submit your company for certification, a one-off tiered submission fee of $1,000 or more is payable, depending on the size and complexity of your business. The submission fee is tiered as follows:

  • Companies with revenue of $0M to less than $5M: $1,000
  • Companies with revenue of $5M to less than $49M: $2,000
  • Companies with revenue of $50M to less than $99M: $3,000
  • Companies with revenue of $99M or more: subject to the size and complexity of your business.

Note: All amounts are in USD (United States Dollars)

Certification Fee

Certification fees are paid annually based on your revenue and are payable upon successful certification.

Please note that B Lab Global may change the submission and annual fees without prior notice.

Company Annual RevenueAnnual Certificate Fees
< $1 Million (M)$1.000
$1M to < $3M$1.500
$3M to < $5M$2.000
$5M to < $7.5M$2.500
$7.5M < $10M$3.000
$10M to < $15M$5.000
$15M to < $20M$7.500
$20M to < $30M$10.000
$30M to < $50M$12.500
$50M to < $75M$15.000
$75M to < $100M$20.000
$100M to < $250M$25.000
$250M to < $500M$30.000
$500M to < $750M$37.500
$750M to < $1 Billion$45.000
$1 Billion +$ Depends on the size and complexity of the business

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