B Market Builder Southeast Asia

Submission Fee

When you submit your company for certification, a one-off tiered submission fee of $500 or more is payable, depending on the size and complexity of your business. The submission fee is tiered as follows:
  • Companies with revenue of $0M to less than $5M: $500
  • Companies with revenue of $5M to less than $49M: $1,000
  • Companies with revenue of $50M to less than $99M: $1,500
  • Companies with revenue of $99M or more: subject to the size and complexity of your business.

  • Note: All amounts are in USD (United States Dollars)

Certification Fee

Certification fees are paid annually based on your revenue and are payable upon successful certification.

Please note that the submission and annual fees charged by B Lab Global might increase by 2025.

Company Annual RevenueAnnual Certificate Fees
< $1 Million (M)$1.000
$1M to < $3M$1.500
$3M to < $5M$2.000
$5M to < $7.5M$2.500
$7.5M < $10M$3.000
$10M to < $15M$5.000
$15M to < $20M$7.500
$20M to < $30M$10.000
$30M to < $50M$12.500
$50M to < $75M$15.000
$75M to < $100M$20.000
$100M to < $250M$25.000
$250M to < $500M$30.000
$500M to < $750M$37.500
$750M to < $1 Billion$45.000
$1 Billion +$ Depends on the size and complexity of the business

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